Ebook Download In Sinu Jesu: When Heart Speaks to Heart -- The Journal of a Priest at Prayer, by A Benedictine Monk
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In Sinu Jesu: When Heart Speaks to Heart -- The Journal of a Priest at Prayer, by A Benedictine Monk
Ebook Download In Sinu Jesu: When Heart Speaks to Heart -- The Journal of a Priest at Prayer, by A Benedictine Monk
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From the Back Cover
"In Sinu Jesu recounts the graces experienced in the life of one priest through the healing and strengthening power of Eucharistic adoration. At the same time, it issues an urgent call to all priests--and, indeed, to all Christians--to be renewed in holiness through adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament and consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces. It is my fervent hope that In Sinu Jesu will inspire many priests to be ever more ardent adorers of the Eucharistic Face of Jesus, and thus find the strength and courage to show forth the Face of Christ in the midst of our profoundly secularized society."--HIS EMINENCE RAYMOND LEO CARDINAL BURKE, Patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta"Reading In Sinu Jesu has opened my heart to a deeper awareness of what occurs when I spend time before the Savior hidden and revealed in the Holy Sacrament. This can be summed up in one word: Friendship. Deep consolation and a renewed gratitude for Him as He draws His friends to Himself--these are the fruits of following the meditations of this book. It will fill hearts with encouragement and joy."--FR. HUGH BARBOUR, O.Praem., Prior, St. Michael's Abbey of the Norbertine Fathers"Upon my first reading the words of the Journal of a Priest at Prayer, a seed was planted deep within me. The words spoken to him in the intimacy of the chapel bring such comfort, courage, and light--a longing to be with the Lord, gazing upon and adoring His Eucharistic Face and offering ourselves and our lives in reparation for sins against Love. I rejoice that the Lord has chosen this moment in time to share His desire for Eucharistic adoration through the publication in its entirety of  In Sinu Jesu."--FR. DAVID ABERNETHY C.O., Congregation of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri, Pittsburgh"In Sinu Jesu has the power to inflame the desire for Eucharistic adoration. It is a powerful expression of Our Lord's thirst to draw us deeper into His friendship, to heal wounds, and thus to renew the Church. For several years now its inspired words have accompanied me in my priestly ministry: attracting, comforting,strengthening, and touching my heart whenever I am in danger of forgetting my 'first love.' May this book cause a revolution of Love and conquer many hearts!"--FR. JOACHIM SCHWARZMÜLLER, Krefeld, Germany"In Sinu Jesu is a beautiful and powerful work saturated with the kind of contagious love and holiness that can only come from reclining--like His beloved disciple--upon Christ's breast, hearing Him whisper words of consolation and encouragement for us all. Its pages breathe a Johannine spirituality that welcomes also the Blessed Mother into our homes and hearts, drawing us toward more intimate, joyous union with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."--KEVIN VOST, Psy.D., author of The Porch and the Cross"We sometimes dismiss the interior voice, thinking that because it is within, it must be our own. But does God not dwell deep within us? Can he not speak, then, to the heart? This listener has heard Christ invite priests and all the faithful, back to the Sacrament of Love. He has heard a call to draw near to the place where Christ tabernacles in the midst of his people, there to adore the Eucharistic Face of Christ. Here the power bestowed in the sacrament of orders is strengthened for a more selfless ministry."--DAVID W. FAGERBERG, University of Notre Dame, author of Consecrating the World
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Product details
Paperback: 328 pages
Publisher: Angelico Press (October 27, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1621382192
ISBN-13: 978-1621382195
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.9 out of 5 stars
105 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#7,391 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
We can testify to the power of these revelations to draw one nearer and nearer to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. Praying with this book, you will find our Lord entering into you to nourish, console, encourage you, to raise your heart from the dead. Here is our Lord telling us how beloved we are, and how He longs for and delights in our company, how consoling we are to Him. We have long copied out excerpts or printed passages to carry in our pockets or tuck into our Missals because they are so radiant, so luminous, so heartening and strengthening, that we want them with us -- because in them we find our Lord! For those times when we are at a loss, when we are weakest, disappointed (or disappointing!), when life is so dark that we cannot see to see, when we are depleted, dejected or fearing failure or rejection, when we are unwell, or grieving, when we want to share our joys with our Lord, when we need company, when we long to see His Face the most, this book leads us straight to Him and to the Blessed Mother. Love, adoration, and reparation will well in you, reading and praying these. There is a fullness here that cannot be described, and a richness. Divine Providence and a faithful coherence to Divine Providence by a living Saint. How many of us have yearned to have these in a book, and now at last we do! How our Lord deserves multitudes of companions! We wish we could do this book -- and Him -- justice. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude... Thanks be to God. Thank you, dear, dear Benedictine Monk.
In Christianity, the central core is the revelation that ‘The Infinite’, the ‘Wholly Other’; ‘That which cannot be named’; is revealed to us as a deeply personal loving God, In Jesus Christ. Many prefer Deism, an impersonal force who made the Universe, then left it alone. A relationship does not enter into the equation, nor any concept of love, obedience and humble service to the creator.Christians often forget the depth of God’s love as presented to us in Jesus Christ. He told his Apostles, and tells us today, “That to see me, is to see the Fatherâ€. It is a hard reality to grasp. It is for me. All the years as a monk I have struggled with this central mystery of Christ Jesus’s revelation of the Father’s love for each of us. It is because my heart is protected. I fear the pain that love brings, yet I seek to dive more deeply into it. So there is an inner contradiction that I experience that can only be healed by the grace of the Father’s burning love. There is a standing invitation to allow ourselves to be drawn into the eternal dance of the ‘Holy Trinity’, which will never be withdrawn from God’s side.The paradox to this is that in order to fully allow God’s love to embrace me, I have to grow in the understanding of my inner-self and the often not so beautiful aspect of that. I can be fearful, that leads to anger, which at bottom, anxiety is feeding it all. I am 69 years old and at this stage of my life, finally starting to open up and to trust in God love for me. It has taken many self-inflicted wounds, the experiencing of my own self-hatred, and alienation, that has slowly healed me.For in my darkest hour, when filled with my own misery and isolation, the light of God’s love has always broken through. I have accepted the fact that I am pursued by God, and that God will never let me go. Yet I am free and have had to make a choice to trust even when drowning in my own misery. For it is all lies, that I am beyond help, or healing, or mercy. We are all vessels of God’s love and each of us is called to allow Christ Jesus to incarnate in each of us. Our capacity to receive God’s love grows as we continue to grow in love and trust. When I pray I now feel my connection to every human being who are on their journey towards healing and deeper intimacy with God, for we are all one in Christ Jesus.In the book “In Sinu Jesuâ€, Jesus speaks to a Benedictine Monk of his love for each of us, and in a special way, for the priest, and how that love is manifested in his abiding presence in the Holy Eucharist. As a Catholic, I can take the reality of Christ Jesus’s Eucharistic presence for granted. This book can open up anyone’s heart to the infinite depth of God’s love for each of us, without exception.Karl Rahner stated that ‘private revelations’, are given to the church at different points in time because it is needed. It is not a new revelation but stated in terms that can be understood by people in certain eras. Today, love has seemed to have grown cold, or colder. So we need to be reminded of the Fathers infinite love for each of us.On Tuesday, January 26th, 20 10 (pg. 139) Jesus relayed this message to the Benedictine monk:“Do you not see how much I have been calling you to trust in me? Trust is the key that opens all the treasures of My merciful and infinitely loving Heart. I am touched by a single act of trust in My merciful love more than by a multitude of good works. The soul who trusts in Me allows Me to work freely in her life. The soul who trust Me, by that very fact removes the obstacles of pride and self-determination that impede My freedom of action. There is nothing I will not do for the soul who abandons herself to me in a simple act of trustâ€.Either ‘fear’ or ‘trust’ is growing in the soul. The more we love, fear will lessen. The opposite is also true. The more we believe ‘fear’, then ‘trust’ will weaken. Fear is a form of self-absorption, trust is letting go of being overly concerned about one’s self and seeking to grow deeper in intimacy with the beloved.As Christian we are called to be lovers, to show forth Christ infinite love for all. When that is forgotten, then fear, and anxiety, and anger will come to the fore. That is how we protect ourselves from others, we place barriers. It is only by the healing of our inner defenses, which we receive through Jesus Christ, that we can let go of fear. It is not something we can do on our own, yet we can make a free choice to trust and in that God’s healing love will flow through us.There is nothing that can stop God loving us, yet we can choose to turn our backs on that reality. Each day is a new beginning. Each moment even. For no matter where we find ourselves, there is always a way out through the merciful love of Christ Jesus. We stop being victims and can step forward in hope and faith and love. –Br.MD
Deeply moving revelations to a monk about Jesus's plan for the renewal of the priesthood. Every priest should read this. One of the best spiritual books I have read and for the times we live in it should be available in every parish to every Catholic. Renewal through Eucharistic Adoration and reparation. We must spend more time before the Eucharist in silent adoration.
Not just for Priests! This is a beautiful, thought provoking book. This book encouraged me to sign up as a Guardian at Eucharistic Adoration in our Parish. I have reaped many graces from attending Eucharistic Adoration and all thanks to this beautiful book! It truly is Jesus speaking to your heart when you read it!!! Many, many blessings to the Benedictine Monk who wrote it!
Exquisitely beautiful in it's depth and simplicity. As if one were listening in on a heart to heart between Our Lord and a dearly beloved priest, which broadens to include an all encompassing love for every one of us. I wish I could afford to buy a copy for every bishop in the country (indeed the world) to call them back to who and what they are, how necessary their vocation is to the starving laity, and to reinvigorate their priests. Unfortunately, it seems most priests have lost the sense of the Sacred and consequently have lost their true identity and mission as "alter Christi". Perhaps I can purchase a half-dozen and send to my bishop and local pastors. I would encourage others to read it and see if they don't think this would be beneficial to the Church.
It is written by and for priests but the core message of love, affection, tender devotedness of God to you, and the encouragements that are rich in mercy compel you to change your thinking, preferences, and priorities.I have not read any prayer or meditation book as life-changing as this. Praise the Lord!
I recommend this along with "He and I". Together they take you straight into His heart and His desire for all of us.
An un-named Benediction priest writes of Jesus's request for him and every one of us to spend more time with Him in the presence of the Eucharist so that He can pour Himself into our hearts who worship thus. It is very direct, personal and do-able. Christ speaks to your heart directly...! Very moving and highly recommended....!
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