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Product details
File Size: 1745 KB
Print Length: 116 pages
Publisher: Packt Publishing; Revised ed. edition (August 26, 2013)
Publication Date: August 26, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#443,457 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I would recommend this book as the best place for any beginner to start learning about audio programming. I have other books on audio programming, but this one is the most clear and concise allowing for quick integration into your software.
This is an introductory book for [intermediate] C++ developers who want to start in audio programming, mainly using FMOD. The author starts by presenting some universal audio concepts in the first chapter such as volume, pitch, frequency, bit depth and audio file formats. Then he introduces FMOD and explains how to add it to a [Visual Studio C++] project, initialize FMOD, load/stream/play sounds, and check for errors. After this FMOD introduction, there is a project to build a simple C++ class audio manager. In Chapter 3, the author expands the manager to include audio control (playback, volume, pitch, panning, channel grouping).With the audio basics covered, the author explains 3D audio and how to work with positional audio, reverb and effects in FMOD. When working with positional audio, the developer must deal with occlusion and obstacles that affect the way audio is perceived by the player. This is a topic that could be further explored by the author, as it is touched in a couple of pages only. The same goes for DSP effects, which is presented in the last 3 pages of the same 3D audio chapter.The FMOD Designer tool is also introduced, which is a great tool from Firelight Technologies (developer of FMOD) for those who are more design-oriented. The author explains how to create simple sound events (such as footsteps and breaking glass SFX), multi-track events (e.g. interactive footsteps, car engine) and interactive music, and how to call these via code. For bigger projects or projects that need something more than basic audio control, this tool is a must.The final chapter involves low-level audio programming, i.e. how to work with the bytes of a digital sound file - loading, playbacking, changing properties, etc. Even though it still uses FMOD for audio control, the reader gets an 'under the hood' insight of the higher level audio APIs.At ~100 pages, this is a good introductory book for developers who are not familiar with audio programming, especially since there are not many books on the topic (there are some that focus on DirectSound/XACT programming, but these technologies seems to be pretty much dead -or are dying- and are MS-only). It is targeted at C++, but developers from other languages (e.g. C#) might benefit from the book as well, as FMOD supports other languages. The author's decision on FMOD is a good one too: FMOD is a multi-platform technology, supports many audio formats, and has been adopted by many successful games, companies and game engines (e.g. Unity, UE3). Previously I worked on a multi-platform game using FMOD for audio and the results were very nice.To get you started with audio programming, I think the contents and length of the book are OK, although the author could go deeper into the 3D audio and DSP effects section (and include 3D audio code in the audio manager as well; source-code is provided for chapters 2, 3 and 6 only).It is worth mentioning that FMOD Studio is not covered in the book, and for anything that is not audio-related (window, render and input management), the author uses SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library).I would like to see another book from the author/publisher that deals with more advanced audio programming, such as more details on how to work with 3D audio (and the implications associated with it), real-time DSP effects, dynamic audio, and performance. Would also be good to see a project dealing with FMOD Designer (or FMOD Studio) and code, and not just examples.
This is the perfect book to everyone that wants to start using sounds within an application. It provides you with very important data in order to understand how to exploit the sound capabilities. It is performed step by step and through examples. It starts with all the basic data about sound theory like volume, pitch, channels, etc. Then it shows you the data file formats and how to start a first app using sound management playing sounds from a file using FMOD as sound engine.In general the book examples are based on C++ and considers the use of the FMOD sound engine for them. The book also explains the FMOD EX API and Design tools and how to exploit them practically in all the possibilities. It covers also the use of file in memory or as stream, how to load, play and manage the sound, how to exploit the channels, pitch, volume and panning, mono, stereo and 3d sound simulation, how to simulate an environment with obstruction for the sounds.Personally I selected this book because I'm involved in a personal project that aims to create an application for kids with learning disabilities. This book has helped me to understand how to manipulate the sounds in a manner that enables me to adapt the sound of my app to kids with sensory disorders. So this book is not only for game development then I consider this book very relevant to everyone that has a project that requires to exploit the sound capabilities within a software application in different ways.I strongly recommend this book to every developer experienced or beginner that aims to create software using sound.
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